Best Python Frameworks To Explore in 2024

Python is known for its versatility. But what makes it versatile? Its wide range of frameworks. To helps Pyhton developers like you, we have listed best Python frameworks to look for in 2024.

By : Aashiya Mittal

Python is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages, with 28% of market share. Its ease, simple English-like syntax, and powerful tools and python frameworks make it even more preferable. 51% of developers choose Python for varied development projects.

Another reason for its increasing popularity is its extensive toolset, libraries, and frameworks that made integrating the latest technologies like AI, ML, IoT, and others easier. If you have a good grasp of the Python framework, you can easily build any application.

To make it even easier for you to start a Python application development journey, we have listed the top 13 frameworks to learn in 2024.

Why Choose Python?

Python is a rising and demanding technology of the decade. Its simple rules, flexibility, and support for building user interfaces make it attractive to many programmers. Many companies, like Netflix, Instagram, and Dropbox, choose Python for their work. These sites handle millions of user requests every day, and Python helps them run smoothly.

Why Choose Python?

What are frameworks? Let’s take a look.

What is a Software Framework? 

These frameworks are sets of tools and programs that help developers build and manage software more easily. They handle common tasks like working with databases, managing URLs, and user logins. This lets developers focus on the specific parts of their projects.

The framework helps developers ensure best practices that save their development time and effort in building something from scratch. Using frameworks will also reduce code errors and past mistakes, improving code. In this blog, we will discuss top Python frameworks.

8 Reasons to Use Python Frameworks for App Development

Developing software from scratch is complex and time-consuming. Frameworks help make this process easier. They provide a structured way to build and manage your code, which keeps things organized and supports your development efforts.  

Here’s why using a framework is beneficial.

1- Saves Time: Frameworks help speed up development. They handle common tasks like error handling and data management, so developers spend less time on these details.

2- Organizes Development: Frameworks keep your code and files neatly arranged. They manage things like interface files and directories, letting developers focus on building features.

3- Enhances Security: Good frameworks offer strong security, protecting your code from potential attacks, especially in web applications.

4- Community Support: Many frameworks are open-source and have large communities. These communities provide help, resources, and solutions to common problems.

5- Simplifies CRUD Operations: Frameworks make it easy to Create, Read, Update, and Delete data. They also simplify tasks like session management and database access.

6- Boosts Productivity: Developers can use frameworks to build faster prototypes, app deployment, and code reuse. It improves the overall developer’s productivity so they can focus on more logic rather than fixing code.

7- Supports Teamwork: if you have a large team working together in a hybrid model, then using a framework will help you collaborate better in real-time. Everyone can contribute to the code altogether without impacting the process.

8- Python for mobile applications: With the availability of several frameworks, you can easily build mobile apps.

Using frameworks in python not only helps developers but also helps businesses improve their time-to-market and build solid and successful projects with less scope for error. 

You must schedule a call with experts to understand how to create an app using Python.

Python Software Framework vs Library

Python offers libraries and frameworks to ease the development process. But what is the difference between a library and a framework?

You must understand this for a better choice.

Library: A library is like a set of pre-made tools that you can use in your program. It helps you with specific tasks, like handling data or creating charts. You pick which tools to use and how to use them.

Framework: A framework is like a detailed guide or plan for building an entire application. It gives you a structure to follow and includes built-in features to help you along the way. It helps you set up your project and gives you a lot of support as you build it.

3 Main Types of Python Frameworks

3 Main Types of Python Frameworks

 Python frameworks fall into three main types:

1. Full Stack Frameworks

A full-stack framework is a complete solution for all your development needs. It helps build and manage both the client-side and server-side of applications. It’s also known as an enterprise framework because it handles everything related to development. Examples: Django, Web2Py, Pyramid.

  • These frameworks will help you manage both the front-end and back-end with one framework without switching between different parts of the app for Python. 
  • Suitable for small and medium-sized businesses because they only need one full-stack developer.
  • Scalable and can be upgraded easily.

2. Microframeworks

A microframework is a lightweight tool for app development with specific features. It’s often used alongside a full-stack framework to build an application. Examples: Bottle, Flask, Falcon.

  • Ideal for small projects with specific needs.
  • Easy for beginners to learn and use.
  • Flexible and adaptable.

However, you cannot use Microframeworks for features like form validation, database handling, or user authentication.

3. Asynchronous Frameworks

Asynchronous frameworks are used for applications that need to handle many tasks at once. They work independently from the main application threads and are useful for large, complex networks. Examples: AIOHTTP, Sanic, FastAPI.

  • Improve performance and speed of applications.
  • Help organize code well and are easy for teams to use.

Also read- 10+ Python Libraries for Data Science and Machine Learning

Let’s learn about web application frameworks in Python.

Which One Is The Best Python Web Application Framework?

Which One Is The Best Python Web Application Framework

Python Web Development Frameworks 

Also known as Python backend framework. Let’s explore different frameworks for web app development.

Full-stack Python framework

1. Django


It is a high-level full-stack Python web development framework suitable for handling complex projects. It is known for its “battery-included” features, offering several built-in tools for every type of project. From handling HTTP requests to managing user authentication, it offers everything for faster development. Django follows the “don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) principle for code reusability.

Key Features:

  • Admin Interface: Creates a ready-to-use admin panel for managing data.
  • ORM: Makes working with databases easier by using Python objects.
  • Authentication: Handles user registration, login, and permissions.
  • Form Handling: Eases the process of creating and managing web forms.
  • Scalability: Can handle both small and large projects with heavy traffic.

2. Pyramid


Pyramid is one of the flexible Web frameworks for Python that can start simple and scale up as needed. It’s customizable for different types of projects. It is highly customizable, providing several tools and features for tailored solutions. Pyramid is popular for its flexibility and ease of use. It’s written in Python 3. Developers use Pyramid to build both basic and complex web applications. Experienced Python developers value it for its openness and high quality.

Key Features:

  • Scalability: Good for both small and big projects.
  • Configuration: Allows for simple or detailed setups.
  • URL Dispatch: Manages URLs and routes easily.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Controls user access.
  • Customizable: Can be extended with plugins and add-ons.

3. Web2Py


Web2Py is a web application development framework for Python, that includes debugger, code editor, and deployment tools. It helps developers create, update, and manage web apps using a web server, SQL database, and web interface- all through a browser.

Key Features:

  • Makes web development faster and easier to configure.
  • Uses MVC architecture to streamline the development process.
  • Connects easily with popular relational and NoSQL databases.
  • Includes a web-based IDE for tasks like file management, code editing, testing, and ticket tracking.
  • Comes with built-in tools for creating web applications without needing additional services.
  • Web2Py also features a ticketing system to track and manage errors. 
  • It helps with handling HTTP requests, responses, sessions, and cookies.
  • Focuses on web application security by addressing common vulnerabilities.


4. Flask


Flask is one of the most lightweight and adaptable Python frameworks for web development. It’s easy to start with and can handle more complex applications as needed. Originally built on Werkzeug and Jinja, Flask has become a top choice for many developers.

It provides guidance but doesn’t impose strict rules on tools or project structure. Developers can pick their own libraries and tools. Plus, there are plenty of community extensions to add extra features.

Key Features:

  • Minimalistic: Provides the basics and lets you choose additional tools.
  • Flexibility: Easy to integrate with various libraries.
  • Jinja2 Templating: Uses Jinja2 to create dynamic HTML pages.
  • WSGI Compatibility: Works with standard web servers.
  • Easy to Learn: Simple for beginners to start with.

5. Bottle


Bottle is a popular Python web framework designed for small-scale projects. It was initially created for building web APIs and operates with everything in a single source file, relying only on the Python Standard Library.

Bottle includes features like templating, routing, and utilities, all built on the WSGI standard. This lets developers work close to the core of their application. It’s great for learning frameworks of Python, prototyping, and creating simple apps. For example, Netflix has used Bottle for some of its web interfaces.

Key Features:

  • Single File: Everything is in one file, making it easy to set up.
  • Routing: Handles URL routing to different functions.
  • Templating: Includes a basic template engine for creating HTML.
  • WSGI-Compliant: Works with standard web servers.
  • Extension Support: This can be expanded with plugins as needed.

6. Falcon


Falcon is a high-performance Python web framework that helps build fast and efficient APIs. It focuses on performance and simplicity making it a popular option for high-traffic applications.

Key features:

  • Fast Performance: Falcon is designed to handle a lot of requests quickly and efficiently.
  • Simple Design: It includes only the basics needed for building APIs, without extra features.
  • Flexible Routing: This lets developers easily set up how URLs connect to their code.
  • WSGI Compatibility: Works well with different web servers and middleware.
  • Middleware Support: Allows adding custom features like authentication and logging easily.

Asynchronous Frameworks

7. FastAPI


FastAPI is a modern, high-performance Python api framework designed for building APIs quickly and efficiently, Speeds up development by 200% to 300%. It leverages Python’s type hints and asynchronous programming features to deliver high-speed and robust functionality.

Key features:

  • Fast Performance: Handles requests quickly and efficiently.
  • Automatic Documentation: Creates interactive API docs automatically.
  • Type Hints: Uses type hints for clear and accurate data handling.
  • Asynchronous Support: Supports async/await for better performance with multiple tasks.
  • Dependency Injection: Manages and injects components easily.

8. Tornado


Tornado is a Python web framework and networking library that can handle long-lived network connections. It is suitable for developing high-performance Python-based web applications requiring real-time capabilities. 

Key features:

  • Non-Blocking I/O: Manages many connections at once without delays.
  • Handles 10k+ Connections: Can support over 10,000 simultaneous users.
  • Real-Time Updates: Great for applications needing live updates.
  • WebSocket Support: Enables two-way communication between clients and servers.
  • Lightweight Server: Comes with a simple web server for easy deployment.

9. Aiohttp


Aiohttp is a Python library used for building asynchronous web applications and handling HTTP requests. It leverages Python’s asyncio module to provide high performance and handle many connections efficiently.

Key features:

  • Asynchronous Support: Handles many requests at once without delays.
  • Web Server and Client: Can build servers and make HTTP requests.
  • WebSocket Support: Supports real-time communication with WebSockets.
  • Flexible Routing: Maps URLs to specific handlers easily.
  • Middleware: This lets you add custom features like authentication.

10. Sanic

Sanic is a lightning-fast asynchronous Python development framework designed for building fast and efficient web applications. It uses asynchronous programming to handle many requests at once and is known for its speed and performance.

Key features:

  • Asynchronous: Handles many requests at the same time without delays.
  • Fast Performance: Optimized for high-speed responses.
  • WebSocket Support: Allows real-time communication.
  • Flexible Routing: Easily manages different URLs.

Other Popular Python Web Frameworks

11. Cherrypy

CherryPy is a fast, stable, and simple Python web framework. It is an open-source Python framework that works with any Python setup. You can use any data access and templating tools you like. It handles all basic web app functions, such as sessions, file uploads, static content, and cookies.

Key features:

  • Easy Setup: Quick to get started with minimal configuration.
  • Object-Oriented: Flexible and easy to extend using objects.
  • Built-In Tools: Comes with tools for handling requests, sessions, and files.
  • Modular: Let you use or replace parts of the framework as needed.
  • Scalable: you can use it for both small and large projects.

12. TurboGears

TurboGears is a Python web framework that fixes common problems with other frameworks. Developers can create web apps quickly with minimal setup. TurboGears works well with many JavaScript tools, making it faster to build websites using Python. It supports SQLAlchemy, Repoze, WebOb, and Genshi, speeding up development compared to other frameworks.

Key Features:

  • Easy Setup: Quickly start building web apps with minimal configuration.
  • JavaScript Tools: Works smoothly with various JavaScript tools for faster development.
  • Fast Development: Integrates SQLAlchemy, Repoze, WebOb, and Genshi for quicker app building.
  • Flexible: Supports many databases and web servers.
  • MVC Design: Uses a Model-View-Controller pattern for organized code.
  • Strong Tools: comes with a powerful Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) and Ajax support.

13. CubicWeb

CubicWeb is a Python web framework designed for building complex web applications. It focuses on data modeling and reuse. It offers a unique approach that treats web applications as a collection of reusable components and entities, which makes managing complex systems easier.

Key features:

  • Data-Centric: Focuses on managing complex data structures and relationships.
  • Reusable Components: This lets you create and use components in different projects.
  • Semantic Web: Supports building applications that are better for data integration and search.
  • CWQL: Uses its own query language for efficient data interaction.
  • Admin Interface: Provides a web-based tool for managing and configuring the app.

14. Giotto

Giotto is a web framework that uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) structure. It focuses on building applications from scratch, emphasizing functionality and smooth front-end integration. This approach helps keep the code clean and less complex over time. It allows for steady development and smooth progress up to deployment.

Key Features:

  • MVC Architecture: Uses the Model-View-Controller design to organize code effectively.
  • Functional Focus: Emphasizes building core functionalities from the ground up.
  • Clean Code: Promotes writing clean and simple code, reducing complexity.
  • Frontend Integration: Works seamlessly with frontend components.
  • Steady Development: Supports gradual development and testing before deployment.

There are more Python frameworks in the market. But these are the most commonly used frameworks.

Also read- List of Top 10 Python Frameworks for App Development [2024]

Python Testing Framework

Here are some testing frameworks in Python that streamline your development process with quick bug fixes.

Framework Description
Unittest Built-in Python module for unit testing, supporting test cases, suites, and runners.
pytest A powerful framework is known for its simple syntax and advanced features like fixtures and plugins
Nose2 Successor to Nose extends unittest with test discovery and plugins.
Doctest Tests interactive Python examples embedded in docstrings to ensure documentation is accurate.
Tox Automates testing across multiple environments and Python versions.
hypothesis A property-based testing framework that generates test cases based on properties you define.
Behave Behavior-driven development (BDD) tool allowing tests in a natural language format.
Testify Extends unittest with additional features like improved assertions and test management.
Pytest-django A pytest plugin for testing Django applications, providing tools and fixtures specific to Django.


Python Frontend Frameworks

Python is typically used for backend development, but for front-end development, Python is not the primary choice. Front-end development generally involves HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, there are a few Python frameworks and tools that can help with front-end tasks or integrate Python with front-end technologies.

Framework/Tool Estimated Costs
Anvil A platform that allows you to build web apps with a drag-and-drop editor and Python code for both front-end and back-end.
Brython A Python 3 implementation for client-side web programming that runs in the browser, allowing you to write JavaScript-like code in Python.
PyScript An emerging framework that enables you to create Python related apps in the browser using HTML and JavaScript.
Streamlit A library for creating data applications with Python that can be used to build interactive web apps with minimal effort.Python GUI Frameworks


Python GUI Frameworks

Framework Python Description
Tkinter The default Python tool for creating basic GUI applications. It’s simple and included with Python.
PyQt Provides tools to make complex and professional-looking apps using the Qt framework.
PySide Similar to PyQt but has a more flexible license, also for making advanced interfaces with Qt.
Kivy Designed for creating touch-based apps that work across different devices and platforms.
wxPython Uses native system tools to create applications that look like they belong on the user’s operating system.
FLTK A small and fast toolkit for building GUI applications, with Python bindings for quick development.
PyGTK For creating apps that match the look of GNOME desktop environments, use the GTK+ library. Android IDE Python – Python Mobile App Development


Here are some frameworks to build Python android applications. 

Python Mobile App Development Frameworks Description Key Features
Android Studio with Chaquopy Android Studio plugin that enables mobile app development with Python. Seamless integration with Android Studio combines Python with Java.
PyCharm A powerful Python IDE that can be used for Android development with the right plugins. Rich development environment, extensive plugin support, good for Python.
Kivy Not an IDE but a framework that can be used with Python for Android development. Supports multitouch, cross-platform, deploy to Android, iOS, and more.
QPython An app that provides a Python environment for Android, useful for scripting and automation. Python scripting on Android, built-in libraries, supports SL4A.
Pydroid A Python IDE for Android that supports various libraries and development tasks Full-featured Python IDE, supports Pygame, Kivy, and other libraries.
BeeWare A collection of tools and libraries for building native UIs with Python. Native UI toolkit (Toga), application packaging (Briefcase), cross-platform support.Tips to Choose the Right Python Web App Framework


When choosing a Python framework, keep these factors in mind.

  • Project Complexity: Decide if your project needs a full-stack framework with many features or a microframework for more control and flexibility.
  • Functionality: Think about what your application needs, like database access, user login, or real-time updates. Choose a framework that supports these features.
  • Learning Curve: Consider how easy it is to learn the framework. Some, like Django, have lots of documentation and a helpful community. Others, like Flask, are flexible but might be harder to set up.
  • Community Support: Check if the framework has strong community support. A good community offers resources, guides, and help, which is useful for solving problems and learning best practices.

Also read- The Definitive Guide to Python App Development in 2024

When to Use Python 

  • Python Programming for Mobile Apps Python is great for building mobile apps due to its simplicity and versatility.
  • Web App Development Python is easy to learn and use for web apps. It’s free and has powerful frameworks like Django and Flask to help you get started quickly.
  • Game Development Python is popular for prototyping games. It’s user-friendly and quick to write, making it ideal for beginners and fast development.
  • Scientific or Numeric Software Python handles complex calculations well. Combine it with libraries to tackle challenging math problems.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Python excel in AI and ML. It can scrape data, analyze it, and create algorithms quickly. It works across different operating systems and has libraries like Pandas and Keras for easy development.
  • Web Crawlers Python is perfect for creating web crawlers and scrapers. It can extract and analyze data from the web efficiently.

When Not to Use Python

  • Real-Time Computing Systems Python isn’t ideal for projects that need real-time performance, like air traffic control apps. It’s better suited for desktop apps, and real-time systems often require more precise timing and hardware integration.
  • Embedded Systems Python might not be the best for devices with specific inputs and outputs, like fire alarms. It can use a lot of CPU and memory, which might be too much for small, limited devices. C or C++ is better for these systems.
  • Programming Mobile Apps with Python While Python is great for many applications, it might not always be the best choice for every type of app, especially those requiring real-time performance or working with very limited hardware.
  • Creating Apps with Python Python is fantastic for many types of app development, but for some specialized uses, other languages might be more suitable.

Key Steps: How to Make an App Using Python

Key Steps How to Make an App Using Python

Step 1: Mapping Out the Prerequisites For app making with Python, start by defining the app’s concept, goals, features, and tech stack. Establish the timeline and budget to align with your development approach.

Step 2: Design Wireframing and Prototyping In how to make an app on Python, create wireframes or prototypes to visualize the user interface and interactions. This helps refine user journeys and finalize the development plan.

Step 3: Coding with Python During the coding phase of Python-related apps, write the backend code and integrate features. This step shapes the app by connecting the user interface with the server-side components.

Step 4: Choose Your Python Framework Select the appropriate Python framework based on your app’s platform. For example, use Beeware for Android or Kivy for iOS to ensure effective testing and deployment.

Step 5: Launch Your App For app making with Python, perform testing with Python’s tools, fix any issues, and conduct user acceptance testing (UAT). Then, release the app to app stores for public use.

Connect with leading Python web app developers for a competitive edge.

Need Help Building a Dynamic Python App with Python

Now that you know about the best frameworks, what’s next? You might want to consider working with a Python development company like OnGraph. Whether you need a custom Python project, a content management system (CMS), mobile app development, or upgrading an existing project, OnGraph has you covered!

OnGraph’s team offers a complete backend development process, supports banking software and algorithm systems, and builds APIs using Python. Simply put, OnGraph is a reliable choice for building applications in Python.


With this web application framework in Python, you’re set to meet your project or business goals. However, having a good grasp of Python is essential to fully utilize these frameworks.

If you find yourself needing help, OnGraph is a great option. Their expert Python developers will make your development and deployment process smooth with the right frameworks! Hire top Python developers to build web apps with OnGraph.



Q. Which framework is the best framework of Python? 

Flask and Django are top choices to build Python apps. Consider your project’s needs before making a decision.

Q. Should I use Django or Flask? 

The flask is great for beginners. Django offers many built-in features, which speed up development for complex applications.

Q. Does Netflix use Flask? 

Yes, Netflix uses Flask to integrate various components. It also uses Jupyter Notebook for its open-source web IDE.

Q. Does Google use Django? 

Yes, Google uses Django. For example, Google’s Person Finder is built with Python and Django.

Q. Can you use Python to write apps?

Yes, Python is widely used for different application development. Here are a few examples:

  • Web Applications: Frameworks like Django and Flask help build web apps. Django supports rapid development, while Flask is lightweight and flexible.
  • Desktop Applications: Libraries like Tkinter, PyQt, and Kivy allow the creation of desktop apps with graphical interfaces.
  • Data Science & Machine Learning: Python is widely used in data science with libraries like Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
  • Automation Scripts: Python automates repetitive tasks such as file manipulation and web scraping.
  • Mobile Applications: Frameworks like Kivy and BeeWare enable Python to be used for mobile app development.
  • Game Development: Simple games can be built using libraries like Pygame.
  • APIs and Microservices: FastAPI and Flask are popular frameworks for building APIs and microservices.
  • Networking Applications: Libraries like Twisted and asyncio are used for creating network applications like chat servers.

Q. How to make an app with Python?

  • Define the App’s Purpose and Requirements
  • Choose a Framework or Library
  • Set Up Your Development Environment
  • Develop the Application
  • Test Your Application
  • Package and Deploy
  • Maintain and Update


Aashiya Mittal

A computer science engineer with great ability and understanding of programming languages. Have been in the writing world for more than 4 years and creating valuable content for all tech stacks.

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