Top 14 Backend Frameworks in 2024

Explore the best backend frameworks for web development. Read how to choose the right framework for scalability, security, and performance.

By : Aashiya Mittal

Explore the top 14 backend frameworks for 2024, focusing on performance, ease of use, scalability, and building robust applications to get a competitive edge- a combined list from our tech experts. 

Choosing the right backend frameworks is crucial for building robust and scalable web/mobile applications, and handling server operations, and databases. With the continuous advancements and improvements, several backend frameworks are available to help developers enhance their productivity and overall app performance in one go.

As web apps continue to evolve and get complex, businesses need frameworks that help them scale without crashing. These backend frameworks help modern-age web apps execute smoothly by optimizing their performance. 

Each framework has unique features that make it suitable for specific development, ensuring security and scalability. Your choice of backend framework must align with your project requirements. To help businesses struggling to choose suitable frameworks for their upcoming projects, our experts have compiled a list of the most popular backend frameworks for you highlighting key features and benefits.

Let’s first start with a quick introduction to backend frameworks.

Backend Frameworks: What They Are and Why Use Them

Backend frameworks are the backbone of web and mobile apps. Simply put, the backend decides how your applications will work in terms of performance, scalability, flexibility, and security. 

A backend framework is a collection of ready-made libraries, components, and tools used to build software applications efficiently. This framework provides a ready-made structure for managing client requests, handling users, and business logic, and working with databases.

Backend Frameworks

For example, if you want to develop real-time applications with dynamic architecture, then you cannot prefer Django over Node.js. It is so, that it is built that way. It comes with relevant features, components, and libraries that help you build real-time applications.

Key benefits include-  

  • focusing on server-side tasks
  • automating processes
  • and easily scaling up
  • customizing packages. 
  • Using a backend framework makes development easier and promotes a clean, practical design.

Over time, backend frameworks have evolved with new features and functionality, offering developers great ease of development. These benefits will take your business to greater heights. 

Key Benefits of Using a Backend Framework

Key Benefits of Using a Backend Framework

The best backend framework offers more than just easier and faster programming. Here are some top benefits of choosing the right backend framework.

  • Security: Frameworks enhance security by protecting your application from common vulnerabilities and internal shutdowns.
  • Scalability: They are flexible. Once you choose the right backend framework, you can use it as your web application grows, from simple to complex.
  • Integrated tools: Frameworks come with integrated tools for extended functionalities, such as database management, caching, and session management. It eliminates the need for third-party solutions with better compatibility.
  • Rapid Development: Backend frameworks make development easier by providing ready-made templates, elements, and libraries.

These built-in components help development teams save time on coding so they can focus on what matters most. As a result, programming becomes faster, and products reach the market more quickly.

  • Cost and Time Savings: Backend frameworks offer many ready-to-use features, which cut down on coding time. This means businesses don’t need to hire as many developers for their projects.
  • Compatibility: These frameworks are also very compatible with most backend technologies. You can easily connect them with your favorite databases, client-side tools, APIs, and third-party services.

In addition to these benefits, you also get faster development, strong community support, and a wide range of extensions and plugins when using backend frameworks.

Different Types of Backend Frameworks

Two main categories are- 

  • Client-side Web Framework: These backend frameworks focus on the user interface, improving the overall user experience to interact with the application.
  • Server-side Web Framework: Such frameworks handle backend tasks, like managing databases and overseeing the web server.

Today, applications are not only limited to the web. In this era of mobile and real-time applications, web frameworks might not do justice in terms of flexibility and compatibility.

Top Backend Frameworks to Explore in 2024

Here is the list of the most used backend frameworks.

Laravel (PHP)

It is the best web app framework known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. It offers tools to manage routing, caching, and authentication. With a strong community, detailed documentation, and a focus on clear code, Laravel has become a leading choice in PHP development.

On Reddit, Laravel has over 79,000 supporters. A StackOverflow survey shows that about 9.45% of participants prefer Laravel. On GitHub, it has received more than 78k+ stars. Major brands like Pfizer, BBC, 9GAG, Invoice Ninja, Alison, and MyRank use Laravel for their websites.

Key features-

  • Routing: Laravel provides an easy way to define how URLs are handled in your application.
  • Artisan Console: The Artisan command-line tool helps automate tasks, making development faster.
  • Blade Templating: Blade allows developers to create dynamic and reusable templates easily.
  • Security: Laravel includes strong security features to protect applications from common threats.
  • Testing Tools: It has built-in support for testing, helping ensure the software works as expected.


  • MVC Support: Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which keeps logic and presentation separate, improving performance and documentation.
  • Active Community & Packages: It has a large ecosystem and supportive community that offers many packages to enhance its capabilities.
  • Artisan Console: The Artisan command-line tool provides helpful commands to speed up tasks like database migration and data seeding.
  • Automated Testing: Laravel supports testing with phpUnit, helping developers ensure their software works correctly.
  • Security: Laravel includes strong security features, like hashed and salted passwords, to protect against attacks.


  • Performance: While it offers many features, it can be slower than simpler frameworks due to added overhead.
  • Learning Curve: New users might find it challenging at first because of its many features and practices.
  • Hosting: Laravel often needs a dedicated or virtual server instead of shared hosting, which can increase costs.
  • Prescriptive Nature: Some developers think Laravel has too many rules, which might not fit everyone’s style.
  • Heavy: It may be considered too “heavy” for small applications or microservices, where lighter frameworks might work better.

Laravel (PHP) Backend Frameworks

Django (Python)

Django is a Python-backed framework that allows developers to build complex websites quickly. It is designed to boost development and clean design. With its built-in features, developers do not have to build from scratch. They can focus on creating dynamic, secure, and easy-to-maintain sites.

Being built for Python, developers can leverage the power and capabilities of Python in their applications, making it a preferable choice for modern-age web applications. 

Key features-

  • Admin Interface: Automatically generated panel for easy management of application data.
  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): it allows developers to code in Python rather than SQL for seamless database interactions.
  • Middleware Support: Let developers add custom code to handle requests and responses throughout the application.
  • Batteries-Included Philosophy: its “batteries-included” philosophy allows developers to use its unique features and tools instantly. It works like a battery that fuels your app in one go.


  • Rapid Development: Django’s “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle promotes quick application development. Its batter-included features provide you with all the necessary tools to get started quickly.
  • Scalable: Django can manage high traffic and grow with your application.
  • Rich Ecosystem: There’s a large community around Django that offers many plugins, packages, and tools through Django’s Package Index.
  • Admin Interface: Django automatically creates an admin panel to simplify data management.


  • Monolithic: With many built-in features, Django can be too complex for simple applications or microservices.
  • ORM Limitations: however, Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is powerful, but you cannot use it for complex database tasks.
  • Legacy System Integration: Django may struggle with older systems or databases, requiring extra customization.
  • Async Capabilities: While Django supports some asynchronous features, it is not as well-suited for real-time operations as some other modern frameworks.

Ruby on Rails (Ruby)

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web app framework written in Ruby language. Over time, Ruby has gained popularity due to its ability to build cost-effective applications, making Rails a preferred solution for businesses. It ensures rapid development, simplicity, and productivity. Developers can build simple to complex applications without writing lengthy code. 

Key features-

  • Convention over Configuration (CoC): it allows developers to follow a standard procedure to develop code, setting up configuration for a streamlined development experience.
  • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY): you do not have to write similar code again and again, you can use pre-written code reducing development time and effort.
  • Active Record ORM: you do not have to write complex SQL queries for database interaction, instead you can do it in Ruby.
  • RESTful Application Design: This means you can create and manage web services using a clear structure.
  • Integrated Testing: Rails helps you improve code quality with its built-in testing tools for Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-driven development (BDD), so you do not have to do it explicitly.
  • Asset Pipeline: developers can manage, compress, and organize JavaScript and CSS files for developing high-performing interfaces.


  • Rapid Development: The CoC and DRY principles help developers quickly turn ideas into prototypes, making Rails great for startups and MVPs.
  • Strong Community and Gems: Rails has an active community that supports it continuously by improving its experience. Also, over time, it has introduced a wide range of plugins (gems) for extended functionalities.
  • Cost efficient: Rails is popular among startups and businesses to build cost-efficient solutions. The main reasons are its principles, gems collection, and open-source nature. 


  • Performance: As a higher-level framework, Rails can be slower than others, especially for tasks that require a lot of processing power.
  • Learning Curve: Rails is friendly for beginners, but it can be tricky to grasp some of its conventions at first.
  • Boot Time: Larger Rails apps might take longer to start up, which can be a problem during development.
  • Limited Customization: Rails has set ways of doing things, which can make it hard to add unique features later.
  • Potential for Expensive Corrections: Changing the main structure of a Rails app partway through can be costly and may affect performance as the app grows.

Ruby on Rails (Ruby) Backend Frameworks

Express.js (JavaScript/Node.js)

Express.js is a lightweight and flexible backend software for building web applications. It uses Node.js to create websites and APIs easily. With its user-friendly design, developers can quickly set up things like middleware and route handlers, making it simple to manage requests and responses. 


  • Lightweight and Fast: Express.js is easy to set up and offers high performance because it’s simple and not overly complicated.
  • Flexible Structure: Unlike other frameworks that tell you how to organize your code, Express lets developers choose how to set up their applications.
  • Large Community: Being part of Node.js, Express has strong community support. This leads to lots of helpful plugins, tools, and support.
  • Easy Integration: Express works well with other popular Node.js libraries and tools, making it simple to add extra features.
  • Good for Beginners: Its clear design makes Express.js a great choice for new developers starting with Node.js.


  • Too Simple: Because it’s minimal, developers may need to create new solutions or add many plugins for complex apps.
  • Scaling Challenges: It’s easy to start with Express, but building a big application with good practices can be tough for beginners.
  • No Strict Rules: The flexibility can lead to different coding styles and structures within teams, which might confuse them.
  • Callback Issues: With Node.js being asynchronous, developers might struggle with complex nested functions if they don’t manage them well.
  • Need for Extra Tools: Developers often rely on third-party tools to add specific features, which can create issues with updates and compatibility.

ASP.Net (C#)

ASP.NET is a web development framework from Microsoft. It helps create dynamic web applications and services. It runs on the .NET platform, which works well with Windows systems. ASP.NET offers different options, like web forms for quick development and MVC for better control and testing. With strong .NET libraries and tools, it gives developers powerful options for building web solutions.


  • About 6.8% of websites using server-side programming use ASP.NET.
  • Most of these websites (93.8%) use Version 4.
  • Over 1.4 million applications are built with ASP.NET.
  • It’s a popular choice for many companies with top web applications.

Key Features-

  1. MVC Architecture: Separates the application into Model, View, and Controller for better organization and testing.
  2. Web API Support: Makes it easy to build RESTful services for different platforms.
  3. Built-in Security: Offers features like Windows authentication to keep apps safe.
  4. Dependency Injection: Helps manage dependencies in your code for easier testing and maintenance.


  • Performance: The Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler makes applications run faster.
  • Scalability: ASP.NET apps can grow easily as user demands increase.
  • Security: Built-in Windows authentication keeps applications secure.
  • Rich Toolbox: Visual Studio offers many tools and libraries for developers.
  • Extensive Documentation: Microsoft provides lots of guides, tutorials, and community support.


  • Platform Dependency: ASP.NET was mainly for Windows, but .NET Core and .NET 5+ have improved this.
  • Licensing Costs: While ASP.NET is free to use, using it with other Microsoft tools and features can be expensive.
  • Memory Consumption: ASP.NET applications can use more memory than lighter frameworks.
  • Overhead: The many features of ASP.NET can slow down smaller applications.

Spring Boot (Java)

Spring Boot is part of the larger Spring family and helps developers easily create stand-alone, production-ready applications using Java. It simplifies the setup and running of Spring apps, reducing the amount of extra code developers usually write. 

By providing default settings and automating many tasks, developers can focus on what their applications need. With built-in server support and tools for faster development, Spring Boot is popular among Java developers who want to create efficient and scalable applications.

With the rise in microservices architecture applications, Spring Boot is getting traction. 62% of developers prefer it for Java-based development. 


  • Auto Configuration: Spring Boot automatically sets up your application based on what libraries you have. This means you don’t have to do a lot of manual setup.
  • Standalone Applications: You can run Spring Boot applications on their own without needing an external server. This makes it easy to deploy and manage your apps.
  • Production Ready: Spring Boot comes with built-in tools that help you monitor and manage your application when it’s running. This includes checking its health and performance.
  • No Code Generation: You don’t have to write extra code or XML configuration files. Spring Boot keeps things simple, allowing you to focus more on what your app does.
  • Embedded Servers: Spring Boot can include web servers like Tomcat directly in your application. This means you can run your app as a regular Java program without needing to deploy it separately.


  • Quick Development: Spring Boot’s default settings let developers start with little setup, speeding up the process of building applications.
  • Great for Microservices: It works well with Spring Cloud, making it a top choice for building microservice applications.
  • Versatile Use: Good for various types of applications, including web apps, batch processing, and REST APIs.
  • Strong Community: A large community supports Spring Boot, providing updates, plugins, and quick help.
  • Built-in Plugins: It has many plugins for things like servers, databases, and caching, making complex setups easier.


  • High Memory Use: Spring Boot apps can use a lot of memory, especially compared to lighter frameworks.
  • Learning Challenge: Understanding how auto-configuration works can be tough for those new to Spring.
  • Performance Overhead: Having many built-in tools can slow things down in environments with limited resources.
  • Hidden Complexity: The auto-configuration features can make it hard to see what’s happening, which can complicate debugging.
  • Feels Monolithic: Even though Spring Boot supports microservices, it can sometimes feel more like a traditional monolithic framework, especially for beginners.


It is a popular framework designed to build mobile, web, and desktop apps that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ionic powers 17% of the apps in the app store, not counting many enterprise apps. It has over 51k+ stars on GitHub. Statista says Ionic holds a 9% market share.



Advantages –

  • Developer-Friendly: You can create cross-platform apps using one codebase.
  • Adaptive Style: Ionic allows different styles for every platform, so you can customize colors and themes.
  • Extensive APIs: You can use plugins like Cordova or Capacitor to connect to device features like cameras or GPS.
  • Easy Testing: With Angular CLI and Ionic CLI, you can test components without having an actual testing machine.


  • Large Size: Ionic apps are larger due to plugins and libraries.
  • No Hot Reloading: Ionic uses live reloading, which may take time to reload apps.
  • Complex Apps: works well for small to medium apps. You need to optimize the code and adopt strategies for larger and more complex projects.

Nest.js (Nodejs)

Nest.js is a modern Nodejs framework to create efficient server-side applications. Built on TypeScript, it combines multiple programming styles like Object-Oriented, Functional, and Reactive Programming for dynamic coding.

It has a modular architecture so that you can manage and structure code into different modules that can be reused later. You can integrate it with JavaScript libraries to develop enterprise-level applications. It has over 60k+ stars on GitHub and is used in about 56,900 projects.


  • Modular Architecture: Organizes code into separate parts.
  • TypeScript Support: Uses TypeScript for better code quality.
  • Integration: Works well with other JavaScript libraries.


  • Strong Typing: TypeScript provides type safety and clearer code.
  • Built-in Tools: Has a powerful command-line interface (CLI) that helps automate tasks like creating controllers.
  • Versatile: Can create RESTful APIs, GraphQL APIs, microservices, and more.
  • Active Community: There is a growing community that offers support and plugins.
  • Flexible: Combines different programming styles for better problem-solving.


  • Learning Curve: It can be tough for new developers, especially those unfamiliar with TypeScript.
  • Still Growing: Being newer, some parts of Nest.js may still be developing.
  • Complexity for Small Projects: For simple apps, Nest.js might be more complicated than needed.
  • Documentation: While getting better, some areas may lack detailed guides.
  • Fewer Ready-made Modules: There may be fewer built-in solutions compared to more popular frameworks.

Nest.js (Nodejs)

Next.js (React)

Next.js is a popular framework built on React. It helps create server-rendered React applications. You can create static websites and use server-side rendering to improve performance and SEO. With its growing community and resources, many developers are choosing Next.js for smooth backend web development.


  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): it lets you render React components on the server side which improves performance and SEO.
  • Static Site Generation (SSG): create stats webpages for improved speed and SEO.
  • Automatic Code-Splitting: it automatically splits the code to reload the necessary components only, improving performance. 
  • API support- it offers built-in features for creating API endpoints for seamless backend integration.


  • Fast Performance: Features like SSR and SSG lead to quicker load times and a better user experience.
  • Easy Deployment: Works well with platforms like Vercel, making it simple to launch your app.
  • Flexible: You can add various plugins and customize it as needed.
  • Zero Configuration: You can start using Next.js right away without a complicated setup.
  • Strong Community: Backed by Vercel, there are plenty of resources, plugins, and support available.


  • Learning Curve: It can be challenging at first for those new to React or server-side rendering.
  • Overhead: For very simple apps, Next.js might add unnecessary size and complexity.
  • Specific Workflow: Next.js has its own way of doing things, which may not fit all projects.
  • Custom Setup Challenges: While it works well out of the box, customizing things like Webpack can be tough.
  • Limited Backend Features: Next.js can handle some server-side tasks, but for larger backend needs, you may need extra tools.

Next.js (React)

Flask (Python)

Flask is a lightweight web development framework made with Python. It is known for being simple and flexible. Developers can create web applications without needing a specific structure. With Flask, you can start small and add features as needed. This makes it great for all kinds of projects, from simple websites to complex systems.

Flask’s easy design and Python’s power make it a popular choice. In 2022, 14.64% of people identified Flask as a top web framework. A study showed that 46% of Python developers prefer using Flask. It has 64k stars on GitHub.

Key features-

  • Lightweight and Modular: The Flask is small and simple. Developers can pick only the parts they need. You can start with a basic app and add more features later.
  • Flexible Routing: it allows you to set up different paths for your web pages. You can easily manage various URLs and how the app responds to them.
  • Built-in Development Server: Flask includes its own server. This helps developers test and fix their apps quickly without needing to set up anything extra.
  • Extensible with Extensions: Flask allows the use of many add-ons. These extensions can help with things like connecting to databases, checking forms, and managing user logins. This makes it simple to add new features to your app.


  • Large Community: Flask has a big community of developers. You can find many resources, tutorials, and plugins to help you.
  • Great for Prototyping: Flask is ideal for building quick prototypes and small applications. You can get started fast and iterate easily.


  • Limited Features: Flask offers minimal functionalities. You need to add extra tools and libraries to build more complex tasks.
  • Scaling Challenges: it is difficult to scale up your basic Flutter app, as you need to add more resources that might reduce it performance.
  • Less Structure: The freedom to organize your project can lead to inconsistent coding practices if not managed well.

Flask (Python)

Phoenix (Elixir)

Phoenix is a web framework built on top of Elixir. You can use it to create web applications with high traffic. Phoenix uses WebSockets to build real-time features, like chat applications. Due to its flexibility, you can use it for small apps to large systems.

Phoenix’s powerful design and Elixir’s performance make it a popular choice among developers. In recent years, it has gained a strong following. Many developers appreciate its ability to handle concurrent connections with ease. On GitHub, Phoenix has garnered significant attention.

Key Features-

  • Real-Time Functionality: Phoenix supports real-time features using WebSockets. This allows developers to create interactive applications that update instantly.
  • High Performance: it is specially built to handle many requests simultaneously, making it suitable for high-traffic applications.
  • Modular Design: it breaks complex applications into smaller, manageable parts, making it easy to maintain and scale apps.
  • Easy Routing: Phoenix provides simple ways to set up routes for web pages. Developers can easily define how different URLs are handled by the application.


  • Great for Real-Time Apps: It’s perfect for apps that need instant updates, like messaging apps.
  • Built-in Testing Tools: Phoenix comes with tools to test your app easily. This helps ensure your app works well.
  • Scalable: you can add more features to your app with changing requirements, making it scalable without impacting the app’s performance.


  • Learning Curve: if you are new to Elixir or functional programming, you will find it difficult to work with.
  • Less Popularity: While growing, Phoenix is not as widely used as some other frameworks. This might limit the availability of resources and support.
  • Limited Built-in Features: Some functionalities may need to be added through external libraries or tools, which can require extra setup.

Phoenix (Elixir)

Koa (Node.js)

Koa is a lightweight web application framework for Node.js. It was created by the team behind Express. Koa helps developers build web applications and APIs quickly and easily. It uses modern JavaScript features, like async/await, for better handling of requests.

Koa is known for its minimalistic design. This means you only use what you need. It allows for more flexibility in how you structure your applications.

Key Features-

  • Lightweight: Koa is small and focused. It does not include many built-in features, giving you control over what you want to use.
  • Middleware Support: Koa uses middleware functions to handle requests. You can easily add or change these functions to control the flow of your app.
  • Async/Await: Koa supports async/await syntax. This makes it easier to write clean and readable code for handling requests.
  • Robust Error Handling: Koa has built-in error handling. This helps you manage errors more effectively in your applications.


  • Flexible: Koa allows you to choose your libraries and tools. This gives you the freedom to create your app as you want.
  • Modern Features: Koa uses the latest JavaScript features. This keeps your code clean and efficient.
  • Strong Performance: Because it is lightweight, Koa can handle many requests quickly. This makes your app faster.
  • Active Community: Koa has a growing community. You can find many resources and support online.


  • Learning Curve: Developers new to Koa may take time to understand its concepts and structure.
  • Less Built-in Functionality: Koa does not come with many features out of the box. You may need to add extra libraries for common tasks.
  • Documentation Gaps: Some users find the documentation can be less detailed compared to other frameworks.
  • Not as Popular: Koa is not as widely used as other frameworks like Express. This may lead to fewer resources available for help.


CakePHP is a web framework made with PHP. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern that separates the code into different parts for better code organization. CakePHP is known for its simplicity and convention over configuration. This allows developers to focus on building their apps without getting bogged down in setup.

Key Features-

  • MVC Structure: CakePHP uses the MVC pattern that keeps your code organized and easier to manage.
  • Built-in Tools: CakePHP comes with many built-in tools to help with tasks like database access and form validation.
  • Rapid Development: CakePHP allows for fast app development. You can get started quickly and build features without much hassle.
  • Security Features: CakePHP has built-in security tools. These help protect your application from common web threats.


  • Easy to Learn: CakePHP has a simple setup. Developers can quickly get up and running with it.
  • Strong Community: There is a large community of CakePHP users. You can find lots of resources and help online.
  • Convention Over Configuration: CakePHP uses sensible defaults. This reduces the amount of configuration you need to do.
  • Active Updates: The framework is regularly updated. This ensures it stays modern and secure.


  • Performance: CakePHP can be slower than some other frameworks. This might be a concern for very large applications.
  • Less Flexibility: The conventions can limit how you build your app. If you need something very custom, it might be harder to do.
  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While it’s easy to start, mastering all features can take time.
  • Older Framework: Some parts of CakePHP might feel outdated compared to newer frameworks. This can affect the learning experience.

Meteor (JavaScript)

Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript web programming framework for developing web and mobile applications. It offers real-time updates as it updates data without refreshing the page. Meteor uses JavaScript for both the front end and back end, making it simple to work on different parts of an app.

Its extensive ecosystem allows you to synchronize data to front-end rendering all from one framework. It is a suitable choice for developing responsive and interactive apps. 

Key features-

  • Real-time Capabilities: Meteor lets apps update data instantly. Changes happen without needing to refresh the page.
  • Full-Stack Solution: Meteor is a complete tool for building apps. You can manage everything from the database to the front end using just JavaScript.
  • Isomorphic JavaScript Code: With Meteor, you can write code that works on both the client and the server without writing the same code twice.
  • Integrated Package System: Meteor has a built-in system for adding packages and modules. This makes it easy to enhance your app with extra features.
  • Hot Code Push: This feature lets backend developers send updates to users. The app updates smoothly without needing to refresh or restart.


  • Rapid Development: Meteor lets developers build and test applications quickly. This is because it has everything needed already included, and it can update in real time.
  • Reactive UI: The user interface (UI) changes immediately when there are updates in the database. This feature improves the user experience because users see changes without delays.
  • One Language: Meteor uses JavaScript for both the client side and server side. This means developers only need to know one language, making the development process simpler and helping teams work more efficiently.
  • Integrated Development Environment: Meteor provides a set of tools that help with important tasks like deploying the app, scaling it as needed, and managing different packages. This integration makes development smoother and more organized.


  • Performance Issues: For very large apps, Meteor can become slow. You may need to optimize your code to keep it running smoothly.
  • Limited Flexibility: Meteor has some built-in conventions. If you want to break away from these, it might be challenging.
  • Dependency on MongoDB: Meteor is closely tied to MongoDB. If you want to use another database, you may need extra work to set it up.

Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS)

Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a cloud service that helps you connect web and mobile apps to the cloud using APIs and software development kits (SDKs).

In 2022, the global BaaS market was valued at $5.7 billion. By 2030, it is expected to grow to $31.1 billion, showing a strong annual growth rate of 23.6%.

BaaS simplifies app development by handling backend tasks for developers. Instead of setting up servers, managing users, and creating databases, developers can upload their code to a hosted service. They can easily set permissions and use the features provided by BaaS or function-as-a-service (FaaS) providers.

This approach removes the need for backend design, development, testing, and maintenance. It saves both time and money. With a “low code” method, BaaS helps businesses meet specific needs without making things overly complex. This lets companies focus on front-end development and growth while experts manage the backend tasks.

How to Choose the Right Backend Framework in 2024

As a leading mobile and web app development company, we have followed these best practices to make the most of our backend framework choices.

Here are some secrets for you.

  • Think about your project needs first. What features do you want in your app?
  • Consider the programming language you know. Choose a framework that uses that language.
  • Look at the framework’s performance. Make sure it can handle your expected user load.
  • Check how easy it is to learn. Some frameworks are simpler for beginners than others.
  • Look at community support. A strong community means more help and resources available.
  • Think about scalability. Will the framework grow with your app as it gets bigger?
  • Check if it has good security features. Protecting user data is very important.
  • Look for built-in tools. Some frameworks offer tools that can make your work easier.
  • Consider integration with other services. You may want to connect your app to databases or APIs.
  • Read reviews or case studies. See what other backend developers say about their experiences.

OnGraph- Your Partner for Robust Backend Development

This concludes our look at the best framework for web development for 2024. Learning backend development is key for anyone wanting to be a full-stack or backend engineer.

Right now, these frameworks are essential for backend development. While many options exist, we focused on 14 popular backend frameworks that are well-known in the backend developer community. These frameworks are respected, and skills in them are in demand in the job market.

In the changing world of backend development, OnGraph stands out. It offers fast and efficient solutions. With its expertise and fresh ideas, OnGraph speeds up website backend development and makes sure the backend is strong, scalable, and meets business needs.


Aashiya Mittal

A computer science engineer with great ability and understanding of programming languages. Have been in the writing world for more than 4 years and creating valuable content for all tech stacks.

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