What’s common in NextJS vs Remix?
Both are popular frameworks built on React. When choosing the right framework for building dynamic websites, Remix and Next.js are the popular choices. They both extend React’s capabilities to build high-performance and SEO-friendly web applications.
Both are React-based frameworks offering different approaches for web app development, meeting modern-age web development needs. Learn how NextJS vs Remix differentiates to help you decide which framework to choose in 2025.
17.9% of developers prefer it due to its flexibility, performance, and ease of use. Things to know about Next.js-
Even with these potential challenges, Next.js is still a popular choice for many companies building their applications. Let’s look at some of those companies.
1.6% developers prefer Remix. However, the number is very small compared to Next.js, it is still popular due to its modern and opinionated approach to web development. Things to know about Remix-
Also, read- Remix: The Next-Gen React Framework For Faster Websites
When building web apps, many pages share the same structure, like sidebars or tabs. In the past, it was tricky to manage these shared layouts across different pages, but modern frameworks like Remix and Next.js 13 make it much easier.
app/ routes/ _base.tsx _base._index.tsx --> / _base.$username.tsx _base.$username._index.tsx --> /{username} _base.$username.replies.tsx --> /{username}/replies _base.$username.likes.tsx --> /{username}/likes _base.status.$id.tsx --> /status/{id} _auth.tsx _auth.signin.tsx --> /signin _auth.signup.tsx --> /signup
app/ (base)/ [username]/ likes/ page.tsx --> /{username}/likes replies/ page.tsx --> /{username}/replies layout.tsx page.tsx --> /{username} status/[id]/ page.tsx --> /status/{id} layout.tsx page.tsx --> / (auth) signin/ page.tsx --> /signin signup/ page.tsx --> /signup
Both frameworks are great for building modern web apps with shared layouts, but Remix is a bit simpler, while Next.js gives you more control.
When building modern web apps, data fetching is crucial because apps need to load data before they can display the page correctly. In the past, React apps would load an empty page first, and then fetch the data, which made things slow. Today, frameworks like Remix and Next.js 13 help by fetching data in more efficient ways.
In Remix, data fetching is done using loaders. When a page is requested, the loader fetches the data for that page. The key benefit of Remix is that it can fetch data for multiple parts of the page at the same time (in parallel), which speeds things up. For example, if a page has a sidebar and a main content section, Remix fetches the data for both parts simultaneously, rather than one after the other. Loaders can be used not just when the page first loads, but also when navigating between pages. This makes the app feel fast because it doesn’t need to wait for data every time the user clicks around.
Next.js 13 uses a new feature called React Server Components (RSCs) for data fetching. RSCs are special components that run only on the server and fetch data directly there. They are not “hydrated” or rendered on the client side, meaning the browser doesn’t need to download extra JavaScript for them, which reduces the size of the app and improves performance.
With RSCs, data can be fetched directly inside components where it is needed. This approach is more flexible because it allows developers to fetch data exactly where it is needed in the component tree, rather than only in specific route files. However, React Server Components do have some limitations. Since they run on the server, they can’t include interactive features like buttons or forms directly.
In Remix, streaming works through something called “loaders.” A loader fetches data for a specific part of the page (like tweets or user details) and you can tell Remix to defer certain data fetching. This means it doesn’t block the page from loading; it starts by showing a loading state (like a spinner) and then replaces it with actual data once it’s ready. For example, if you are loading a list of tweets, Remix can start displaying the page while it still loads the tweets in the background. The page only updates when the tweets are ready.
In Next.js 13, streaming is also integrated but is simpler to implement. You can define a loading.tsx file for each route (part of your app), which automatically shows a loading state whenever data is being fetched. This works well for different parts of the page, like headers, sidebars, or content sections. Next.js uses Suspense, a React feature, to wrap these sections and show loading indicators while data is being fetched. If part of the page (like a tweet feed) needs data, it can display a spinner until the content is ready, without blocking other interactive parts of the page (like the ability to post a new tweet).
Data mutations refer to actions that change or update data on the server, like creating, updating, or deleting records. In many web applications, developers handle this by sending API requests and updating the UI. However, Remix and Next.js both have built-in features to make data mutations easier and more integrated into their frameworks.
In Remix, data mutations are handled using something called actions. Whenever a user interacts with a form (like submitting a new post or clicking a “like” button), Remix triggers the action associated with that form. The key part of Remix’s approach is that it automatically refetches the data and updates the page after an action is performed, keeping the UI in sync with the server. This is called a full-stack data flow, which means that the server handles both data fetching and mutations, and the page gets updated accordingly. Remix also encourages using HTML forms for interactions, making it simpler to handle common actions like user sign-ins or posting comments without writing much JavaScript.
Next.js introduced server actions to simplify mutations, but they are still in an experimental phase. It offers flexibility by allowing server functions to be used anywhere in the app, but lacks the automatic UI updates and revalidation that Remix provides. Server actions allow developers to define functions that run on the server and can be triggered directly from React components—without needing separate API routes.
Infinite Loading is a pattern where content loads as you scroll down a page, such as loading more tweets on Twitter. This requires efficient management of both server-side and client-side behavior to load and display new content without reloading the page.
In Remix, infinite loading is managed through resource routes. These are special routes that don’t directly render any UI but are used to fetch data. The first page of content (e.g., tweets) is loaded from the server, and for the following pages, Remix uses loaders and fetchers to get new data as the user scrolls. However, Remix requires you to manage the state for things like tweet likes or retweets manually, often using useReducer. This gives you flexibility but means you have to write more custom code for things like fetching data and managing state.
Next.js, on the other hand, simplifies things with server actions and server components. Here, data fetching is easier because you can handle it directly inside the component. The first set of data is streamed from the server, and subsequent pages are loaded using server actions, which are functions that run on the server and can be triggered by the client. This makes it easier to implement infinite scrolling without needing to create separate API routes or complex fetchers. In Next.js, the framework helps you manage both the data fetching and state in a more integrated way, making it faster to implement.
In Remix, you can use an ErrorBoundary in each route segment. This special component helps catch errors, both on the server and in the browser. For example, if a page can’t be found (a 404 error), you can throw a Response in the loader (the function that fetches data for the page), and Remix will show the appropriate error page. Remix allows you to handle these errors in a very customizable way at each route level, so you can show different error states for different parts of your app.
In Next.js, error handling is also done with specific files in each route. If something goes wrong, you can create an error.tsx file for the route to handle errors. This file wraps the route in an ErrorBoundary to catch errors in that specific segment. For 404 errors, Next.js uses a special not-found.tsx file in each route segment. You can return a notFound() function from your server-side code to trigger this 404 page whenever the route doesn’t match or data can’t be found.
Next.js is a great choice in the following situations:
Also, read- NextJS Vs React: Which Framework To Choose in 2025
In the end, the Next.js vs Remix comparison shows that both frameworks are powerful, but each has its own strengths. Next.js is great for developers who want a more structured setup with strong community support and a focus on static and server-side rendering. It’s perfect if you want something that just works out of the box.
On the other hand, Remix is ideal for developers who want more control over things like routing and data loading. It focuses on performance, reliability, and making sure your app works well even in tough conditions (like offline).
By understanding the differences between Next.js and Remix in terms of performance, features, and use cases, you can make a better decision for your project. Both frameworks have clear benefits, and which one you choose depends on what you need and what you’re trying to build. Choose OnGraph for next-gen web app development.
Use Remix for:
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